Hey folks!
First, I'd like to thank you guys for coming to my website! I opted to create a website instead of a google doc like others because my email has my real name on it, like, full name, and my deadname. I don't want people to see that, and I know how to code in HTML as I'm taking a pretty in-depth class for it, so I opted to use Neocities!
Now, first, before we get into the lore, I'd like to say that this is for the Twitter parody account @etype001. If there are any more Evelines that pop up, this website does not apply to them of course.
Now, on to the good stuff!
- Eveline reformed herself using the Mold, as she continued to live within the megamycete hivemind. She searched for the Baker family once more, as they were the only family she'd known.
- At first, the Baker family was understandably upset about her showing up, but they decided to give her a chance because she promised she'd be good.
- Eveline can still form Moldeds out of Mold, and avoids turning people because she doesn't want to upset the Baker family. Her powers are weak, however, and if she creates too many Moldeds in a certain time-frame, she can faint.
- As mentioned beforehand, her powers are weak, and occasionally they work against her and she temporarily 'dies.' She calls this 'shedding,' and she reforms afterwards pretty quick.
- Eveline is autistic and struggles to communicate with others. This is why she frequently refers to the Molded as her 'friends.' She also doesn't know when she's being mean, and is simply trying to be honest.
- The family member she's most attached to is Marguerite. She has an obsession with having a mother figure.
- She doesn't feel as strong of a connection to Mia as she used to, instead latching onto the Baker family due to their more functional family dynamic.
- She also hates Ethan because she believes he 'ruined' the Baker family dynamic, not realizing it was herself who had caused them to be dysfunctional in the first place.
- Because of the weakened state of her powers, she doesn't age anymore, and is forever stuck at 9 years old. She also is incapable of mentally aging, so she's essentially forever a 9 year old, both in mind and body.